Wednesday, March 7, 2007


Between George W. and FEMA,
They've really fucked things up.
Those poor folks on the coast
Have nowhere to live or sup.
Rotted food and melted ice
Sitting in big old trucks.
Clothing and blankets donated
never delivered, what fuck ups!
Tries to hide his unholy mess
behind new tax "breaks".
He's breaking the middles class
to give the rich all they can take.
He promised his daddy he'd give him Iraq.
While insurgents are training here
right behind his back.
Bantam rooster rattles sabers at Iran.
He demands an end to nuclear testing.
It's time his own divestiture began!
He cannot police every country.
They don't want it. Can't he see?
To hell with sending billions overseas!
I beg that in November,
whoever becomes President,
is not like the Bantam Rooster.
We need one far more intelligent!